Naturally Teaching

An elementary teacher science blog

Exploring Invertebrates: 10 Picture Books to Introduce Animal Characteristics [ep. 9]

Exploring Invertebrates: 10 Picture Books to Introduce Animal Characteristics [ep. 9]

Invertebrates and animal characteristic picture books

Invertebrates make up the majority of the animals on Earth, but students aren’t as familiar with them as they are vertebrates. Introducing a variety of animal groups in your science studies is important for your students’ overall understanding of the curriculum. Using picture books to introduce the characteristics of a variety of invertebrates will help your students see how diverse the animal kingdom is and how those characteristics help those particular animals survive and thrive.

In this episode, I share 10 picture books (plus some) that you can use in your elementary classroom to introduce a variety of invertebrates and their characteristics that make them special. Listen in to discover some new amazing titles to use this school year.

Picture books to introduce characteristics of invertebrates:

Bonus books mentioned in the episode:

Episode Highlights

  • [1:04] Animal characteristics and invertebrates background
  • [1:59] About Insects
  • [3:15] An Earthworm’s Life
  • [4:58] Do Frogs Drink Hot Chocolate? How Animals Keep Warm
  • [5:55] I’m Trying to Love Spiders
  • [7:17] A Daddy Longlegs Isn’t a Spider
  • [8:26] The Snail’s Spell
  • [9:34] Are You a Centipede?
  • [10:36] A Beetle is Shy
  • [11:46] How to Hide a Butterfly and Other Insects
  • [12:44] Good Trick, Walking Stick!
  • [14:21] Recap
Invertebrates such as snails have unique characteristics and life cycles from other animal groups and are interesting for students to learn about.
Use picture books to help your students understand the wonders of invertebrates!

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Episode 9: Exploring Invertebrates: 10 Picture Books to Introduce Animal Characteristics
Use picture books to help your students understand the wonders of invertebrates!
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