Earth Day projects Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd and is a fantastic opportunity to expose your learners to stewardship opportunities and empower them to make change. It’s also a great way to connect your science curriculum to a holiday and get in those service projects your social studies standards call for. In […]

Outdoor Education
6 Elementary Math Activities for Spring Aligned with K-5 Common Core State Standards [Ep. 44]Elementary math activities Spring is full of elementary math opportunities to give your learners real-world experiences. Counting, measuring, telling time, finding volume, calculating, and patterning are all fun ways to engage with the season and practice your learners’ skills. In this episode, we’ll talk about 6 elementary math activities for spring that are paired with […]
Picture Books
9 Spring Picture Books to Help You Introduce Seasonal Signs, Plants, and Animals in Spring [Ep. 43]Spring Picture Books Spring is almost here and with it comes a change in weather and longer hours of daylight. Spring picture books could be just what you need to help introduce your students to the seasonal signs they may see and how plants and animals react to the change in weather and longer days. […]

Outdoor Education
6 Fun Spring Activities Aligned with K-5 Next Generation Science Standards [Ep. 42]Fun spring activities Spring is a time of growth, birth, and rejuvenation. The plants and animals feel energized, and so do we. We all missed that sun and the warmer temperatures. So let’s take advantage of your learners’ energy and desire to be outside and make it work in your favor. So what does that […]

10 Ice and Snow Art Ideas for Elementary Teachers and Homeschool Parents [Ep. 40]Learning about water in winter The winter season is the perfect time to explore frozen water and can inspire some beautiful ice and snow art pieces. This is the only time of year that water can naturally be found in all three states in many parts of the world, so let’s take advantage of the […]

6 Activities for Learning About Water in Winter for Teachers and Homeschool Parents [Ep. 38]Learning about water in winter The winter season is the perfect time for learning about water thanks to the low temperatures that often reach freezing. This is the only time that water can naturally be found in all three states. So let’s take advantage of the season by learning about water in winter. In this […]

6 Valentine’s Day Class Party Ideas Enhanced with Science [Ep. 37]Valentine’s Day class party ideas Valentine’s Day is one of those wonderful memory making opportunities when you get to celebrate with a class party. However, finding Valentine’s Day class party ideas that will keep your students engaged (and not just energetic) can be tricky. Instead of focusing on the lovey side of Valentine’s Day, let’s […]

Outdoor Education
Gamifying Learning for Elementary-Aged Children with Allie Elliott [Ep. 36]Gamifying learning I am so excited to be able to offer you a guest interview all about gamifying learning for elementary-aged children! Allie Elliott has taught children outside for several years and has learned the tricks of the trade when it comes to gamifying learning. Her passion definitely shines through in this interview! In this […]

6 Groundhog’s Day Activities for Elementary Teachers and Homeschool Groups [Ep. 35]Groundhog’s Day activities Groundhog’s Day is an underrated holiday with tremendous potential for both fun and the integration of science curriculum. Not only can you talk about weather forecasting, but you can also discuss shadows, hibernation, and squirrels in engaging and meaningful ways. In this episode, we’ll talk about 6 Groundhog’s activities that are paired […]

Ch-Ch-Changes: New Year Newness [Ep. 33]New Year Changes 2025 is just around the corner and with that comes new beginnings. It’s also great to take time to reflect on what’s happened over the last year and what you’re appreciative of. That’s what you’ll find in this episode; me sharing what I’ve learned about this podcast over the last six months, […]