Earth Day projects Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd and is a fantastic opportunity to expose your learners to stewardship opportunities and empower them to make change. It’s also a great way to connect your science curriculum to a holiday and get in those service projects your social studies standards call for. In […]

Outdoor Education
6 Elementary Math Activities for Spring Aligned with K-5 Common Core State Standards [Ep. 44]Elementary math activities Spring is full of elementary math opportunities to give your learners real-world experiences. Counting, measuring, telling time, finding volume, calculating, and patterning are all fun ways to engage with the season and practice your learners’ skills. In this episode, we’ll talk about 6 elementary math activities for spring that are paired with […]

Outdoor Education
6 Fun Spring Activities Aligned with K-5 Next Generation Science Standards [Ep. 42]Fun spring activities Spring is a time of growth, birth, and rejuvenation. The plants and animals feel energized, and so do we. We all missed that sun and the warmer temperatures. So let’s take advantage of your learners’ energy and desire to be outside and make it work in your favor. So what does that […]

10 Ice and Snow Art Ideas for Elementary Teachers and Homeschool Parents [Ep. 40]Learning about water in winter The winter season is the perfect time to explore frozen water and can inspire some beautiful ice and snow art pieces. This is the only time of year that water can naturally be found in all three states in many parts of the world, so let’s take advantage of the […]

Outdoor Education
6 Fun Winter Activities Aligned with K-5 Next Generation Science Standards [Ep. 32]Fun winter activities Learning through play is a powerful way to teach your students. Gamifying your curriculum will help your students experience your content and will help them understand the phenomena in a deeper way and winter is a great time to begin this process. In this episode, we’ll talk about 6 fun winter activities […]

Hibernation in Animals: 6 Dormancy Activities for Elementary Teachers and Homeschool Groups [Ep. 29]Hibernation in animals and other dormancy Hibernation in animals is a much talked about topic in elementary science, but it’s often misunderstood. Hibernation is usually used as a blanket term for any animal that sleeps through the winter. However, dormancy is the more accurate blanket term for sleeping animals and there are multiple forms that […]

Outdoor Education
Outdoor Learning Equipment for Schools and Homeschool Groups [Ep. 28]Outdoor learning equipment for schools Outdoor learning equipment for schools and homeschool groups come in all different shapes, sizes, and prices. But as a teacher, you are already paying for way too many things to make your indoor classroom run, you shouldn’t have to add more of a financial burden onto your shoulders to be […]

Outdoor Education
The Great Backyard Bird Count: How to Put Together a Bird Feeding Station with Martha Holzheuer [Ep. 27]Prepping for the Great Backyard Bird Count I am so excited to be able to offer you a guest interview all about setting up a bird feeding station for the Great Backyard Bird Count! Martha Holzheuer is the owner of Nature Niche and has had an amazing career with a focus on native plants as […]

Outdoor Education
Celebrating the Winter Solstice with an Outdoor Party for Your Elementary Students [Ep. 26]Celebrating the Winter Solstice Winter break is coming and so is your classroom party! Instead of taking elements from Christmas or Hanukkah for your winter party this year, consider celebrating the winter solstice instead. The winter solstice is a natural phenomenon that everyone on Earth experiences at some point in the year making it an […]

Outdoor Education
Picture Books
4 Turkey Day Activities and Books for Energetic Elementary Students [Ep. 25]Turkey day activities and books The week leading up to Thanksgiving comes with a lot of energy from your students. They are excited about the idea of having extra time off, eating all the pie, and sleeping in. If you’re feeling overwhelmed finding fun ways to keep your students engaged, make sure to listen to […]