Trudging through the woods with a trail of kindergarteners behind me, we spot our destination right away. Vernal pools sitting there, waiting for us to explore. We all stand around the edge and stare at these innocent puddles wondering what we may find. I give directions about how to use scientific tools to sample the […]
Outdoor Education
A Helpful Guide to Answering the Question, “What is the Spring Season?”What is the spring season and what can it do for you in your classroom? Teaching the spring season is a great way to extend the weather studies your kindergarteners or 3rd graders started at the beginning of the school year. Spring is unique in each region and will have its own set of weather […]
Outdoor Education
A Helpful Guide to Teaching the Season Transition to WinterTeaching the season transition from fall to winter is a great way to continue the weather studies your kindergarteners or 3rd graders started at the beginning of the school year. Winter is unique in each region and will have its own set of weather patterns to be studied. By studying your local winter weather, your […]
Outdoor Education
A Helpful Guide to Teaching About Fall in Elementary SchoolTeaching about fall is a great way to start off the school year for your kindergarteners or 3rd graders that are studying weather patterns. Fall is unique in each region and will have its own set of weather patterns to be studied; by studying your local fall weather, your students are getting to use real-world […]