Invasive species activities The ultimate conservation preservation hack…invasive species activities! If you’re worried about maintaining your schoolyard ecosystem but you still want to provide your students the opportunity for hands-on experiences, invasive species are your new best friend. In this episode, we’ll talk through what a native species is compared to an exotic species and […]
Outdoor Learning Environment: 3 Things to Plan for Back to School [Ep. 2]Outdoor learning environment Outdoor education is a great way to enhance your science studies in elementary school, but what’s the best way to set up your outdoor learning environment? In this episode, I’m going to help you plan for the school year by talking through 3 aspects of your outdoor learning environment. First, we talk […]
10 Science Activities for Elementary Students That Aren’t Experiments [Ep. 1]Science activities for elementary students Science activities for elementary students are often thought to be limited to experiments. As children that grew up in the era of the scientific method, as teachers, we think: question —> hypothesis —> experiment —> data —> conclusion But the reality is – scientists explore, learn, and explain new discoveries […]
Teaching with Books: Thinking Outside the Box with Steve Frisbee [Ep. 3]Teaching with books I am so excited to have the first guest episode be all about teaching with books. This is a passion of mine shared by my friend Steve Frisbee, the Camp Director at Chippewa Nature Center in Midland, Michigan. In this episode we talk about Steve’s experiences teaching with books and how he […]