Fun fall activities Learning through play is a powerful way to teach your students. Gamifying your curriculum will help your students experience your content and will help them understand the phenomena in a deeper way and fall is a great time to begin this process. In this episode, we’ll talk about 6 fun fall activities […]
6 Citizen Science Projects for Elementary Students and Teachers [Ep. 15]Citizen Science Projects Citizen science projects are powerful, real-world opportunities to develop your students’ science skills, get them involved with the community, contribute to the scientific community, and nurture future stewards of the Earth. But what are they? Citizen science projects are opportunities that involve non-scientist participation in data collection and reporting for scientific research. […]
Integrating STEM in your classroom I am so excited to be able to offer you a guest interview all about integrating STEM into your classroom! Naomi Meredith is a former classroom teacher turned STEM coach and is a wealth of knowledge. Her passion for STEM education is evident and her creativity is endless. She shares […]
Teaching with Phenology: How to Plan Your Science Standards Around the Seasons [Ep. 11]Teaching with Phenology Organizing science standards with phenology in mind can truly benefit your students’ overall learning. Not only does it encourage the use of all the senses, lends itself well to a variety of different science activities, and provides a scaffolded approach to understanding of content, it most importantly gives your students authentic phenomenon […]
10 Best Nature Apps to Use in the Elementary Classroom [Ep. 10]Best nature apps We’ve made it to the 10th episode of this podcast! Statistics show that more than 80% of podcasts don’t make it to this point, so to celebrate, I’ve put together a list of the 10 best nature apps that I use for teaching elementary students. 🥳 All of these apps have free […]
Picture Books
7 Invasive Species Books to Read in the Elementary ClassroomAre you looking for a way to introduce invasive species to your elementary students? The concept of invasive exotic species can be challenging for young students to understand. Picture books are an amazing way to learn about the world and can be an invaluable tool for introducing children to scientific skills and concepts. This list […]
Learning Gardens: Creating Dynamic Outdoor Classrooms with Victoria Hackett [ep. 8]Learning gardens I am so excited to be able to offer you a guest interview all about teaching with gardens! My experience is with wild ecosystems, but Victoria Hackett from Outdoor Classrooms has researched teaching gardens across the U.S. Through this research, she developed a framework of 4 different types of gardens that can be […]
Animal Characteristic Breakdown: Reaching Your Curricular Goals By Teaching with Animals [ep. 7]Animal characteristic breakdown Children love animals and are interested in their unique traits. By embracing this interest and teaching with animal characteristic activities in your classroom, you can reach your curricular goals in a student-driven way. In this episode, I introduce a Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for each grade level K-5 that can be […]
10 Science Activities for Elementary Students That Aren’t Experiments [Ep. 1]Science activities for elementary students Science activities for elementary students are often thought to be limited to experiments. As children that grew up in the era of the scientific method, as teachers, we think: question —> hypothesis —> experiment —> data —> conclusion But the reality is – scientists explore, learn, and explain new discoveries […]
Reusing Recyclables: 10 Science Tools to Make for StudentsReusing recyclables to make science tools could be the difference between your students repeating scientific information and actually understanding it. Let me give you an example: one day I was coaching a 3rd grade teacher on how to use mineral testing kits that I brought for her students to try. The school had textbooks about […]